Novilac TurboStart - Kalvermelk

Novilac TurboStart is Schils' innovative calf milk replacer to be fed directly after colostrum during the first 3 weeks after birth. This premium milk substitute reduces health problems and helps ensuring a lifetime performance of your stock. Research has shown that 500 liter more milk per lactation can be possible.

Novilac TurboStart is recommended to be used under two different feeding strategies:

  1. Feeding strategy to ensure maximal lifetime performance (nutrigenomics)
  2. Feeding strategy as nutritional support in case of starting problems


  • Novilac Turbostart is the newest addition to our milk replacer line Novilac
  • Turbostart can be fed directly after colostrum
  • This milk replacer can be fed in all feeding systems
  • High level of Vitamin C, Vitamin E and other vitamins
  • Novilac Turbostart contains a probioticum to encourage the development of microflora
  • Contains immunoglobulins
  • Contains a specific source of quick absorbable energy
  • Our milk replacers contain the Schils Protection Plus package, a blend of selected specialty ingredients to support the intestinal health and the calfimmune system

Your partner in calf milk replacers

As THE specialist in Young Animal Nutrition, Schils is always looking for partners to create and share knowledge with. By sales, marketing and technical support from our side and field experiences from your side, we can work together to increase performance in growth, health and profits.

Schils offers more than just a milk substitute. Schils offers what you need to reach your goals. 

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